Alimony or Spousal Support
Alimony is financial support paid from one spouse to the other. It can be paid in one payment or in installments. In order for a Court to award any type of alimony, there has to be a need for the alimony and an ability to pay it.
There are four types of alimony in Florida.
- Bridge the Gap Alimony is intended for short-term marriages in which a party needs support in transitioning from married to single life.
- Rehabilitative Alimony assists a party to make them better able to contribute to their own financial support. For example, support paid to assist a party with education, work skills, vocational training, etc. It requires a specific rehabilitative plan.
- Durational Alimony is available when permanent periodic alimony is not appropriate. It is designed to provide economic support for a set time for short or moderate-term marriages.
- Permanent Alimony is intended to provide for the needs and necessities of a party who lacks the ability to provide for themselves. It is featured primarily in long-term marriages.
If you have any alimony questions, please contact Bill at (407) 462-8787 or click here to contact us and schedule your appointment.